
White Scout Car Petition



21st Century displayed a 1/6 scale White Scout Car at the 1999 Toyfair.  This is the first time that a company had shown a prototype of this vehicle.  The White Scout Car was met with open arms by many of the collectors in the 12" action figure community.


At the 21st Century Convention in Burbank, it was stated that the White Scout Car WOULD indeed be released.  This is to be out sometime next year.  No specific date or quarter was given nor was a price point.

We will have the White Scout Car!  Woo Hooo!


Unfortunately, 21st Century has cancelled production of this vehicle.  This is unfortunate for us, the collectors and kids alike.  21st Century had a sure hit on their hands with this. 

This petition is to show 21st Century that we do indeed want a White Scout Car and we hope that they will rethink the cancellation of it.

To get your name on this list, email me, John Kozin at  pfadfinder@aol.com , with the following information:

Your FULL name (first & last)
Your complete email address
Your City, State, and Country of residence

By sending me an email, that is your signature that you want your name on this petition.  If need be, I will print ALL emails I receive and send them directly to 21st Century.

This is not a petition to insult, belittle, or cause any other negative harm or feedback to 21st Century, it's employees, or supporters.  This is a positive way to let them know our support for a product that has the possibility for greatness!  This is also not an official webpage sponsored in any way by 21st Century.

I will do my best to update this list at least once per day.  Please be patient if your name is not on there right away.

Name Email Address
John Kozin pfadfinder@aol.com New Haven, CT, USA
Jaie Hudson jaie@hypercon.com Houston, TX, USA
John Lukasiewicz Luke65@aol.com Virginia Beach, VA,  USA
Paul Cox pfcox@mc.net Crystal Lake, IL,  USA
Ronald Austin raustin@interplay.com Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Mike Lucas joecharger@worldnet.att.net Olathe, KS USA
Nathan Kim kimnk_2000@yahoo.com Stone MTN, Ga, USA
Jack Cherry mutt71@mediaone.net Mashpee,MA USA
Albert S. Anido  abeta@evoserve.com Bel-Air II Village, Makati City, Philippines 
Stephen Aleo saleo@1bigred.com Fredericksburg, VA,  USA
Mark Bryan mbryan@flash.net Houston , TX,  USA
Chris Hansen Driftwood22@att.net South Plainfield, NJ,  USA
Robert E. Baker yellow14trop@home.com Fair Haven, NJ,  USA
Donald W. Romaine  mpheonix@aol.com  St. Petersburg, FL,  USA
Scott D Elliott  hoodonit@aol.com  Dillsburg, PA,  USA 
David Bowyer kelseybean@yahoo.com Noblesville, IN, USA
Timothy W. Viezer viezer3@prodigy.net Columbus, OH,  USA
Mike J. Dykas Sr. mjdykas@together.net Colchester, VT,  USA
Chuck Mansfield  puppet_master_us@yahoo.com Montrose, PA,  USA
Chris Dobbs triagecd@aol.com Oklahoma City, OK,  USA
Doug Smith pineseq@wireco.net Bluff City, TN,  USA
David Matteson Scout19k@hotmail.com Huntsville, AL,  USA
Timothy T. Sank Jr., M.D. Cinder5@ATTGlobal.Net Pasadena, MD,  USA
Bob Sharp resharp@samford.edu Helena, AL, USA
R.J.Mulligan Mateshinai@aol.com  Los Angeles, CA,  USA
Tim Matteson timspfd@yahoo.com Springfield, OR, USA
Ronald D. Meyer monarch@firstnethou.com Pearland, TX,  USA
Frederic Richter LRic54@aol.com New York, NY,  USA
Bennett Church Jr. BC11502@aol.com McKenney, VA,  USA
Chris Tanner ctanner@tyler.net Tyler, TX,  USA
Matthew I. Holloway carie@midwest.net Carbondale, IL,  USA
David Feliu davgrace@gateway.net Cheshire, CT,  USA 
Timothy Kano kanowarrior@yahoo.com San Juan Capistrano, CA, USA
Robert Moat Devilman_azazel@hotmail.com Springfield, OR,  USA
Tom Imperati TCIGARS@aol.com Branford, CT,  USA
Jeffrey Franks jeffreyandcatherine@thrifty.net San Marcos, TX,  USA
Tim Loeb timsharonloeb@cs.com Orange, CA,  USA
Kwee Ker Wei kerwei@magix.com.sg Singapore
Gladys Reed ladygunfighter8674@sc.rr.com W. Columbia, SC, USA

Update: 9/6/00
