2000 Sandbox Halloween Contest Prize
Ultimate Armory Collection
"I'm Sgt. Iwan Kozin, Weapons Instructor and Armorer for Kozin's Motor Pool."
"And NO, there is no relation between me and THAT Kozin, so lose the thought right now!"
"I've been asked to present to you the prize offered, should you chose it, for the 2000 Sandbox Halloween contest. A good bunch of entries all of them."
"Let's start with a few WWII weapons."
"From my right to left: MG42, two MP-44s, 2 .45 Autos, German Luger, MP40, M1 Carbine with folding stock, and a Kar-98. Plus 2 US Pineapple and 2 German Egg grenades."
"Now we move into the US weapons. M16 w/ M203 grenade launcher, CAR15, M16A2, M16A1 Vietnam varient. Finally, a Meremont M60 with bipod and belt of ammo. Plus two 100 round magazines for the M16A2/CAR15."
"Yeah, there's more. Click on the 'Next Page' line below to see them."