Gave Rex a hand this morning working security to catch anyone not
selling or displaying at the con.
A few of the dioramas have been set up. The Lone Star Scale
Raiders and the Flash Force groups have done a kick ass job on their
dios. LSSR have provided a 30 foot by 4 foot wide dio of a
US/German WWII battle complete with 5, yes FIVE, Stuart tanks!
I got to touch one! Wooo Hoooo! The Flash Force
group did a diorama of a SWAT Style raid on a building complete with
a 1/6 scale Black Hawk. Top notch on both.
This is a quick update as I need to get back to help cover, but
here's a few pics. Sorry their not linked properly, but I
forgot to load the graphics software on here :(
I'll also update what they are later.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7